
Dystopia is inspired by Solidly, a decentralized exchange and automated market maker that brought forth an innovative governance concept called ve(3,3).

The vested escrow or "ve" governance model, popularized by Curve, is increasingly being adopted by DeFi protocols as a governance instrument, with its latest iteration from Solidly being the basis for Dystopias model.

The idea of the ve(3,3) model is to apply the mechanics of game theory to the governance system; give users a great amount of control over the emissions based on their collective actions and provide the ability for individual users to cooperate together or not for the common goals they choose.

The development of the ve(3,3) model is, above all, to believe that humanity is able to cooperate spontaneously and consistently produce an end result that is positive for all participants in general.


Dystopia is built by the Tetu team.


The New ve(3,3)

Changes Made to ve(3,3)

Dystopia’s Tokenomics

Dystopia's Dune - It is possible to check the percentage of locked DYST supply, the higher the locked % of the supply, the lower and slower the DYST emissions will be, resulting in a lower future total supply.

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