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Dystopia has a swap fee of only 0.05% and two price curves to make transactions even more effective from a fee and slippage point of view.


For the most effective boosting effect it is best to concentrate all veDYST in a single NFT, however other positions can provide the flexibility of different locking periods. User can get some benefits by locking DYST tokens.

  • Vote for gauges to increase incentives. veDYST receive all swap fees from the vaults they voted for.

  • Attach veDYST NFT to a personal farming position and get boosted rewards.

  • Support ve(3,3) system increasing veDYST supply, which can slow down DYST emissions and reduce future circulation supply.

Increasing Lock

It is advisable in most cases to keep all your veDYST concentrated in a single NFT due to the characteristics of veDYST.

  • The same veDYST NFT can be attached to many different gauges.

  • A gauge can have only one veDYST NFT attached. That way attaching the NFT that contains more veDYST will always provide more boost.

Increasing the amount of veDYST can be interesting to the user if he wants to increase the rewards boost, receive more swap fees from gauges he voted for and increase voting power.

Providing Liquidity, Staking, Boosting

While veDYST votes for the distribution of incentives and receives all swap fees from the gauges they voted for, liquidity providers receive all DYST emissions distributed to the gauges.

90% of DYST emissions will be distributed to liquidity providers, veDYST votes will determine this distribution.

Note in the following process that I attached the NFT to the gauge when adding liquidity and stake. When veDYST NFT is attached to the gauge the staked position will receive boosted rewards.


Voting will drive emissions to a gauge, gauges with more votes get more incentives. It is also possible to downvote gauges to reduce the incentives given to the gauge.

Every voting epoch lasts for one week and starts every Thursday at 00:00 UTC, users can vote at any time during the voting epoch. At the end of each epoch, rewards will begin to be distributed according to votes for one week.

All bribes from the past epoch will be paid out at the start of the next epoch. If the user does not change the votes, they will automatically remain the same for the next epochs.


With Penrose, users can have exit liquidity for locked veDYST. Suppose a user locks DYST for the maximum lock period of 4 years to earn veDYST NFT. However, before the lock period is over, the user wishes to exit the governance model, the user can swap the veDYST NFT to penDYST.

In that way, the user gives up voting rights but gets the benefits of holding penDYST. The penDYST can be swapped to DYST, can be used to create liquidity on Dystopia and Penrose, and can be staked on Penrose.

Staking Dystopia LP in Penrose provides some benefits to the user.

  • DYST rewards

  • PEN rewards

  • Boost effectiveness when voting with vIPEN

You can learn more about Penrose


Bribes can be attached to gauges by any user, they make the gauge more attractive to voters, resulting in greater DYST rewards and attracting more liquidity to gauges.


A token must be whitelisted in order to be staked in gauges and receive DYST emissions. Users must own at least 20% of the circulating supply of DYST to inherit the voting rights to whitelist tokens.

To whitelist a token you must navigate to the Whitelist page and enter the desired token's contract address, you must then select a veDYST NFT that you own with the required amount of DYST locked within to append the whitelist.

You can also check if a token is whitelisted by pasting its address into the search bar.

Last updated