Frequently Asked Questions

What can I do on Dystopia?

Dystopia is a decentralized exchange built for stablecoins and closely correlated assets, improving upon solidly’s ve(3,3) mechanisms.

What are Emissions?

Emissions are tokens that are distributed regularly on a given period to reward liquidity providers.

What can I do with DYST?

DYST can be staked in Dystopia exchange to get veDYST. veDYST is used to vote for which liquidity pools receive emissions. The lock-up period could be as low as one week and as high as 4 years.

What do I get from voting?

Voting for liquidity pools earns you the swap fees from the pools you vote for. So it is advised to vote for pools with the highest trading volume!

How is Penrose Related to Dystopia?

Penrose is a yield aggregator for Dystopia. This means you can take your DYST to Penrose and lock it there for a shorter period and still earn rewards. You are also able to vote more efficiently there.

Do I need DYST to use Penrose?

You can deposit DYST on Penrose, or PEN tokens can be bought from a DEX like any other token.

What is the whitelist tab for?

To create a liquidity pool, both tokens in the pair must be whitelisted first. To add a token to the whitelist, a user must have at least 0.2% of the total DYST supply.

Last updated